
How to turn a boring email into an irresistible link pitch

Getting people to open, read and act on your email is tough, but Contributor Gisele Navarro gives you an edge with 20 phrases that keep people reading and eventually linking to your content.

Link building starts with an email between two people.

More often than not, these are two people who don’t know each other. Yes, you know who this person is since you’re sending the email, and you think she will love your content. But be honest, you’re really a complete stranger to her.

Now add the fact that she probably has 30 or more unopened emails sitting in her inbox. How will your email catch her attention?

Let’s say you wrote an eye-catching subject line that made her open your email immediately. Does that guarantee she’ll read through your email and give you a link?

Not quite.

She doesn’t know you, she doesn’t owe you anything.  If you want to get her attention and a link,  you need to pitch your story to her.

You can’t pitch her if she stops reading right then and there; you need to grab her attention with the first sentence.

And the next.

And the one after that.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Your job is done only when she’s read the full email, checked out your content, shared your stuff and linked to it. That’s a lot to ask from someone who probably received a dozen emails just like yours on the same day.

When you consider that roughly 269 billion emails were sent and received each day in 2017, it’s clear that link builders are facing serious competition to get their emails read.

Grease Sliding 4 2 800x448

Use these phrases whenever you’ll be making an important point you don’t want the recipient to miss:

  • Here’s the deal:
  • So what’s it all mean?
  • But there’s one problem.
  • Bottom line:
  • Here’s another way to think about it.

4. Sliding them into your content

This is my favorite tactic. When pitching, I drop the uniform resource locator (URL) to the content I’m promoting into my email, so I use grease-sliding phrases to ensure the recipient feels the urge to click on the link:

Post navigation

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